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Are You Ready to GET-FIT?

Our 8 week Get Fit program is having such an impact on our clients health and fitness that I feel compelled to blog about it. In case you are living under a rock and have not heard of it 🙂 – allow me to explain. 

The Get Fit program is a program that couples one on one personal training, one on one sessions with our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, meal plans and full access to our facility and classes.

After training thousands of clients, I found that if a client can adhere to the program for 8 weeks they drastically increase their chances of maintaining their health and fitness way beyond that point. 

Elevation Fitness is not your standard gym or Personal Training facility.  Our staff are highly educated and we focus on total health and wellness, contrary to other facilities that love to beat their clientele into the ground and deprive them of calories to elicit a short term weight gain. That is the old school  uneducated model of weight loss. We do not prescribe to that methodology. 

The Get Fit program is not a weight loss program, rather a wellness program. Weight loss is just a byproduct of implementing the foundation principles of health that we teach to bring the body into balance. 

Many rapid weight loss programs that overburden the individual with excessive exercise and low calorie diets may result in short term weight loss, however it is not sustainable for health and vitality. The Get Fit program is.

So where do I start?

At this point if you are still reading you may be wondering how to start or get more info about Long Islands Premier Fitness and Wellness program.

First contact Peter at [email protected] you will then get a phone call and set up an initial meeting. The initial meeting will outline the program and evaluate your needs and wants. At that point, together we will determine if you are a good fit for the program and the program is a good fit for you. 

If the decision to move forward is made, you will then meet with your trainer for a health history analysis and assessments which are required to create a program that is specific to your needs and wants. These are not cookie cutter programs! You will then receive paper work from the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist that needs to be filled out and sent back prior to your initial meeting with her. The Nutritionist will work with you to create nutrition protocols that are specific to your needs. Again, this is not some cookie cutter program where she is going to give you a standard meal plan everyone gets, teach you how to use my fitness pal to track your macros and then send you on your way, rather she will be there every step of the way.

In addition to the 16 Personal Training sessions and the 2 meetings with the Nutritionist (plus custom meal plans) you will receive full access to Elevation Fitness which includes all small group training classes .  The trainer will work with you to design a program for you to do on the days that you are not with them. This is EXTREMELY important because it ensures there is a rhyme & reason to everything you are doing to facilitate the best possible experience. 


What people are saying about our 8 week Get Fit Program:

“I just completed the 8 week Get Fit program at Elevation Fitness. Both Dave and Christina are amazing! I was always intimidated by the gym, but Dave has helped me get past that. He makes each training session challenging and pushes me to my limits. I love the program so much, that I have signed up for another three months of training and additional visits with the nutritionist. Without you guys I wouldn’t have had the “after” picture to post.”



“After being weeks away from weight loss surgery and deciding against it, I joined the Elevation Fitness 8 Week Get Fit Program in Mid-July. My first experience at the gym was my initial meeting with Peter. He actually LISTENED to me instead of just trying to sign me up for a membership. He took into consideration my situation both physically and mentally, and explained in detail!what the Elevation team could do for me. There was NO judgement, no doubtful comments as if to allude to the fact that I would never follow through on my goals. After our meeting, I felt empowered to do something positive for myself and that Elevation could help! So let’s talk numbers! Well…a lady never reveals but I would like share that I’m down 4, almost 5 sizes, my energy levels have significantly increased, I have muscle tone instead of flab, and the simple things in life like walking up stairs, tying my shoes, walking long distances, tolerance to heat, are…well….simple again!I have a long way to go but I’m confident in myself because of the Elevation Fitness team! So listen up, if you are looking to ACTUALLY change your life and not just diet and exercise, the Elevation Fitness team cares about their clients/members as if they were family. They are more concerned with a person’s well being, then collecting a membership fee. They empowered me to change my way of life in a sustainable way. I’m so grateful to the entire staff at Elevation. Everyone is so sincerely friendly, encouraging, and truly caring. It’s the perfect environment that fosters change!”



“I never though I was going to be able to lift weights and play sports again. After being depressed and inactive due to multiple injuries I was directed to Peter the owner of Elevation Fitness. This was the first time a trainer actually did an assessment on me. It was lengthy and thorough due to my injury history and all the chronic joint pain I was suffering from. After the initial meeting I new Peter and his staff could help me so I signed up for the Get fit program. That was three years ago! Today I am biking and running and swimming and playing basketball again. I am so grateful for Peter and his staff, the proof is in the pudding. I highly recommend Elevation Fitness to anyone in search of finding Fitness and wellness.”



Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.

Love and Chi


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