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The Elevation
Fitness blog

Expert advice, and community stories to elevate your wellness journey.
woman training weights for muscle growth

Is it Normal to be Sore?

Is It Normal to Be Sore After a Workout? If you’re thinking about starting a workout program, you might be wondering if you’ll be sore


The Real Secret to Weight-loss

Miracle diets, cleanses, crazy workout programs, strange supplements, wraps, measuring cups and scales, fasting, macro tracking—what’s the real secret to weight loss? Glad you asked—because


Does Fat Make You Fat?

We’ve been asked this question so many times: Does fat make you fat? The one-word answer is “no.” So why do so many people avoid


 5 Tips for Better Arms

“How do I get better arms?” We get this question all the time. Sometimes it’s from people who are looking to build muscle in their


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